Kenzie's golden retriever boyfriend Ari had a birthday last weekend and his family was kind enough to invite us all to the dog beach. It could not have been a more beautiful day! When we first arrived, Kenzie made sure to provoke other dogs to chase her! She was never far away from her beach-towel base, and hid behind mom and dad a few times when the big dogs came running. :)
Our friends went straight to the water ... birthday boy's orders!
What's going on out there? As it turns out, however much Kenzie doesn't mind taking baths, she's pretty scared of the ocean. Even treats couldn't coax her in on her own! But some help from Daddy did the trick...
And what a relief ... she CAN swim.
Ready to get out!
You'd better believe Ari didn't lose track of that ball, his most-prized possession.
Three puggles and a pug! We were surprised to see how many puggles (there were others) were enjoying a beautiful day at the dog beach, too.
Ari thrilled that his mom is throwing the ball out to sea over and over and over again...
Showing off his seashell find. :)
I guess things can sag even when you're a toddler!
Happy birthday, Ari, and thanks for letting us share the day with you!
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