Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Kenzie's tall enough now to reach up and put her paws on the couch and the coffee table and the toilet (she's had that last one mastered for a while now), and she's as active as ever!

"Any food up there for me?"

Every time we come home, she barks and squeals and cries for a good minute, just letting us know how glad she is that we've rescued her (and expressing her anxiety over her time alone, I imagine). She loves to be held and petted until she feels secure that we're not leaving again right away. She occasionally watches TV with us, especially if there's somebody singing or talking in a high voice. Then she gets extra interested and cocks her head to either side while she watches.

She has a VERY healthy appetite, to say the least, and we often have to pull (fake) grass and tiny wood chips (from the bathroom door) and foam pieces (from her bed that we no longer leave with her during the day) out of her mouth. She even likes to chew on metal, even though she has lots of puppy-appropriate toys! I guess that's just how it is.

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