Here are some photos I promised a little while back, around my birthday, that our friends Matt and Ginny Brannon took when Kenzie was in their care. The cute little fluff of a poodle is theirs; her name is Gidget. It appears that Kenzie was pretty riled up most of the time, and maybe you can tell from the pics that the photo shoot wasn't the easiest thing they've ever done!
This is too much fun! This photo is a pretty good representation of how each of the dogs typically behaves on a walk. Well, to be fair, maybe Kenzie is a little calmer when it's just her.
Best friends (and yes, they were being held in place).
This is my favorite — Kenzie's wide "smile" mixed with the sure intention of mischief.
When Kenzie wants something, she finds a way to get it. We don't know exactly what she was searching for last night, but she scoured our apartment, flashlight in mouth, determined to find whatever it was. She would be pretty good help at a crime scene. That may just be the victim, face-up, on the bottom right.